Vicious Monkey Pedals are the creation of Anthony Gemignani, owner of Allstar Music Academy in Flemington, NJ. Trying to make a pedal that not only sounded good but was cool visually, Anthony has taken his childhood buddy, Curious George, and blended him with his own personality to create Vic Monk. The "Balls" Pedal is a Distortion pedal similar to the RAT Pedal with 3 different positions to choose. The "Bite" Pedal is an Overdrive Pedal that is very much like a Tube Screamer. The "Tail" Pedal is our Delay. Very smooth sounds and can get Vicious if you need it to. These pedals are not only going to liven up your pedal board but they will give you that warm sustain and crunch that you need. The bottom line is the pedals sound great and they have FUR on them!
Located in Flemington, NJ, Allstar Music Academy & Anthony Gemignani is stirring up this well to do farm town. Being an unsettled musician, as most are, Anthony has started his 3rd and largest music school and store in 8 years. Full retail and music instruction. Being a professional guitarist himself and having mostly custom made guitars, Anthony started building guitar effect pedals.
The overwhelming interest in the pedals from artists like, John Tropea, Vinnie Zummo(Joe Jackson), Bobby Lee Rodgers, The Driftwood(Band in Sweden), Shawn Clement(Film and TV Composer of Clemistry Music on Paramount lot), and many more, made Anthony think about expanding his brand to reasonably priced guitars.
“My goal is to have professional looking, feeling, and sounding guitars for intermediate prices. No higher than $700 dollars” says Anthony G.
This is all part of this Berklee College of Music graduates experience of teaching that made him want to have quality guitars for beginner to intermediate players that they can afford. Let’s face it, musicians never have money and when they do, they buy new gear.
With his 20 years of teaching guitar, “it would be nice if these students could buy a pro looking and feeling guitar that stays in tune for them to learn on and a guitar that looks cool to be inspired by.”

The 1st six replica guitars were built for inspection of craftsmanship and now Anthony’s custom designed shapes and specs are going to be based off morphing tele’s and les pauls.
Within the next few weeks, these prototypes will be arriving in Flemington and the viciousness will begin.