The Axe-Handler has been on the market for nearly three
years and yet it is still a new attraction for many. RE-Axe Products, the creators, manufacturers,
and even selling force behind the Axe-Handler have been very diligent in their
product offering and the purpose behind their products. They make everything in the United States,
seriously everything they can possibly in-source they do. The packing tape, bubble wrap, ink, boxes,
marketing materials, promotional items and even the racks in the warehouses are
required to be U.S. Made. They do admit they have one or two things
that just cannot be made in the USA but hopefully with their efforts and
others, this may change in the future.
Another primary objective in the RE-Axe business model is to offer products to the smaller
stores and small chains, but not to the
big retailers and big on-line music product retailers. This effort they feel will bring more and
more people back to experience their local music store and see the value that
is often not able to be listed as a price or sale. If the above valor is not enough to attract
your attention, they make currently two AMAZING products, your store should not
do without.
The Axe-Handler and Axe-Handler S/O are both a heavily
weighted, scientifically designed and just downright cool way to support
leaning a guitar or bass. Think about
the times when you need to lean your guitar against an amp, a table, a
chair. Well with one of these, it
supports the neck of the guitar and makes it very, very difficult to have the
guitar slide over and fall to a humiliating death. Another big plus with the Axe-Handlers over
some similar types of products, is that both models stand upright allowing it
to cradle the neck so you can change strings or work on the guitar. Two great features of the Axe-Handler and yet
it can fit in a jeans pocket or even that little storage pocket in an acoustic